How To Start A Blog And Make Money? | Full Guidelines for Newbies

by - June 28, 2020

How To Start A Blog And Make Money From Home?

blogging guidelines for newbies
Blogging guidelines for newbies

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What is Blogging?

Why you should learn it?

How do you start and Where?

 What to do or not to do?

To know about all of these, read this post completely. This is the best blogging guidelines for a newbie and failures. After huge research, I have written this article for a newbie blogger.

how to start a blog and make money
how to start a blog and make money

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a powerful profession. If you want to be a professional blogger you have to budget some investment. Blogging means building a website where you post articles to teach or give knowledge to people. In this job, you have to be so much talented. You have to know so many things and will do huge researches. If you are able to make some investment then choose this platform. You have to spend so many times to succeed in this platform.

Basic Tools

·         Desktop / Laptop

·         Internet Connection

·         Software for Blogging like WordPress, Blogger, MS Word, MS Excel, Grammarly, etc.

Device requirements for Blogging

You have to need a desktop or laptop for this. Mobile devices are not suitable for this section. But you can try on the mobile hope you can do that. There is no need for a high configuration computer. You can use any type of computer for this job.

Types of Blog

There are so many types of blogs. Some most popular are given below.

1.     Personal Blog

2.   Repair and Services Blog

3.   Niche Blog

4.   Affiliate Blog

5.   Artist’s Blog

6.   Guest Blogs

7.   Case Study Blog

8.   Tutorials and Guideline Blog

9.   News Blog

10. Infographics Blog

11.  Interviews Blog

12. Advice from the Experts

13. Reviews Blog

14. Video Blog

15. Problem and Solution Blog

16. Story Blog

17. Funny Blog

18. Parody Blog

19. Local News (Non-Business)

20. Biographic Blog

21. Memes Blog

22. Recycle Old Blog

Persona Blog

A personal blog is a blog where a person writes an article about his own wish. There is no hard and fast rule for him. Generally, A blogger writes an article on his personal blog about his lifestyle, own opinion, social activities, etc.

Repair and Services Blog

Repair and services blogs are those blogs where are published repair and services related articles. If you have an interest in this category then select a suitable domain and build your blog properly.

Niches Blog

Niches blog is the most popular blog. Most of the blog sites are build in base on a niche. You have to research for the best niche but you also have to confident and interest in your selected niche. More successful niches are given below you can choose any of them.

Top Niches List

       ·         Studies
·         Financial
·         Sports
·         Business
·         WordPress
·         Windows
·         Food
·         Writing
·         Technology
·         Cars
·         Music
·         Games
·         Movies
·         Books
·         Health
·         Fitness
·         Mom
·         Travel
·         Current Events
·         Entertainment
·         Fashion
·         Lifestyle
·         Politics
·         Parenting
·         Pets

Affiliate Blog

Nowadays, An affiliate blog is very popular for an affiliate marketer. Here, an affiliate marketer chooses a niche of product or category then builds his blog properly and tries to rank his blog on google's first page. If you do it, you have to know SEO knowledge properly.

Artist’s Blog

Artist’s Blog is for an artist. You have to know creative knowledge to build an artist blog.

Guest Blogs

Guest blog is another option of blogging. There are so many bloggers who find a guest blog to write an article for getting backlink his own website. So, you can make a guest blog and rank it on google then you can get so many articles for free.

Case Study Blog

Case study is a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time. A particular instance of something used or analyzed in order to illustrate a thesis or principle. If you have interested in any subject for a case study then try it.

Tutorials and Guideline Blog

Tutorials and guideline blogs are also popular. YouTube and Blog is the best platform for a tutorial. You can choose this category and build your blog now.

News Blog

There are so many news portal blogs are available in this world. Do you want to build your own news portal? Let’s Start. It’s easy and simple but you have to upload posts regularly.

Info-graphics Blog

Infographics blogs are those blogs where bloggers write an article with info-graph and present a suitable concept to his traffic

Interviews Blog

The most popular persons have huge fan followers. People have to interest in their followed person. So, you can select this niche.

Advice from the Experts

You can make a blog about this. People will be benefited from you and they will like you.

Reviews Blog

There are so many reviews blogs are already running successfully. It’s a suitable category. If you write an article about a good and qualified review article then no let just start work on this niche. You also do the affiliate marketing by it.

Video Blog

At present, v-blogs are also popular. If you feel comfortable with it then try this.

Problem and Solution Blog

It’s a popular niche. You can choose it for your blogging career.

Story Blog

Have you interest in literature? If you are interested in this, you can start on it. It’s not bad.

Funny Blog

You can make a funny blog. People are interested in it. You can get huge traffic.

Parody Blog

Parody also a nice niche. You can select this category for your blog.

A local news Blog is not bad. But the traffic area is low and you wouldn’t get so much traffics.

Biographic Blog

The biographic blog is not bad. You can build a blog about it.

Memes Blog

Memes blogs have a huge demand. If you are interested you can do that.

Recycle Old Blog

It’s simple and easy. You have to modify the old blog post then reupload it. You can try this.

Why should you Choose Blogging for Freelancing Career?

Blogging is the best choice to generate passive income. In this world, so many options are available to earn money. At present, online money-making is so easy. I already showed a 20+ earning method in Freelancing guideline. But All are not allowed for passive income. If you are a web designer, you have to bid on freelancing websites then have to win the bid and after completing the job you will get your money. If you stop your work your earning will be stopped. The same process is for other freelancing categories. On the other hand, If you can generate passive income like blogging, YouTubing then you will be benefitted after stopping your work.

Moreover, freelancing opportunities are available for you in everywhere. When you become a blogger then you can make your own portfolio on content writing and SEO and then go to a marketplace like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, guru, etc.

At last, I want to say that a good web designer never been jobless. Learn first then try to earn. Don’t go to the marketplace without proper knowledge. Follow and apply my guidelines, I hope you will be a successful freelancer in your freelancing career.

How do you start Blogging and Where?

If you want to be a blogger seriously, you have to need or spend some money. First of all, you have to research keywords more and more. I recommended to you to choose a unique and searched valuable topic for blogging. After selecting the topic, you have to bye a perfect domain to start blogging. Then you have to bye hosting service for your site. If you don’t want to buy a hosting service, you can use the google free hosting service of a blogger. 

There is another option of free hosting. Some hosting services sites will give you free hosting services like infinity free but I can’t recommend that. You can use that for only practice. You have no need to be a programmer for blogging but have to need some coding knowledge for better customization. WordPress is the best for blogging.

Requirement Skills for Blogger

If you want to be a professional blogger, you have to need some skills. I have written about some skills for blogging below. You have to acquire all of these skills for blogging.

Good at English

First of all, English is very essential for a blogger. You have to know proper English Grammar and understand any English articles. You can use Grammarly for writing that can help so much but you have to good at English.

WP and Blogger Customization Knowledge

Secondly, You have to know the customization of WP and Blogger websites. WordPress is the best option for maintaining a website now. WordPress is easy and good looking. Moreover, there are so many useful plugins in WordPress.  On the other hand, If you want to use Blogger free hosting service, you have to know all about Blogger.

Proper SEO Knowledge

Thirdly, You will need the proper SEO knowledge for blogging. SEO is the most important for blogging. Traffics/Visitors are only the income source of your blog. So SEO is a must. If your blog post does not rank on google's first page for any valuable keyword, you wouldn't be benefited from your blog.

Content Writing

Finally, You have to focus on your article. The article is very important for ranking on google's first page. You have to research keywords properly and choose a low competition keyword. Then you have to write SEO friendly article using your keyword.

Guidelines for Blogging

Blogging is not so easy. You will need proper guidelines for it. If you don't follow any blogging guidelines, you will lose your time and money. So, don't take a wrong decision. In this post, I have tried to clear all about blogging. If you follow these blogging guidelines, I hope you will be successful.

Research Keyword

At first, You have to research keywords for a suitable domain which you prefer. There are so many tools in the online market for keyword research like keyword revealer, Moz, Semrush, etc. The keyword revealer is the best of them.

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You have to pay them for a better result. So, I don't recommend them. I will recommend to you for using google keyword planner who is amazing and absolutely free. Search on google for google keyword planner then set-up your account. Then search your keyword and take an idea. Remember that, You have to choose low competition keywords with better search volume. See the picture below.

how to make a blog, how to set up a blog, how to create a blog for free, how to make money blogging, how to write a blog,
Google Keyword Planner

Choose and Buy Domain and Hosting

After keyword research, you have to buy domain and hosting. Namecheap is the best for domain hosting services. I will recommend you to buy the domain and hosting from Namecheap. By clicking the banner below, go to Namecheap and buy hosting with a free domain. If you use this link, you will get a big discount for a domain.

Create your Web Presence with Namecheap
How to Buy Domain and Hosting from Namecheap?

If you don't understand the buying process of Namecheap, You can see this video. Here is a full tutorial for you.  

When your domain and hosting will be bought, you have to set-up the domain in your hosting c-pannel. 

Blogging Guidelines For WordPress Platform

WordPress is the easiest platform for starting your blogging career. You can customize it by simple drag and drop. It has so many plugins that are great.

Install WordPress

After completing the buying process of domain hosting, You have to install WordPress. If you don't do that, you can see the video that is given below.

Find Out the proper theme for your blog

There are so many themes that are available for WordPress. Some are paid and Some are free but the paid theme is more profitable for SEO. Read this post, you will get a great suggestion with a discount.

Customize your theme

Make a logo and adjust it in your site

Install Some Important Plugins

Research keyword for article

Write SEO friendly article more than 1000 words

Publish 4-5 post

Set-up SEO

Continue article publishing

Try to rank post with SEO

Blogging Guidelines For Blogger

Open blog-spot site

Add your Custom domain

Find out a suitable blogger template

Customize theme and Layout

Set up Blogger Setting

Write SEO Friendly article more than 1000 words

Publish 4-5 articles

Set-up Google Search Console

Continue article publishing

Try to rank post with SEO

How to Earn Money by Blog Websites

Google Ad-sense

Others Ad Network

Lead Sell

Affiliate Marketing

CPA Marketing

Conclusion of Blogging Guidelines

At last, I want to say that If you become a successful blogger, you have to works so hard. Follow my instructions and these blogging guidelines, I hope you will get a better result. If you like this post, Don't forget to share it with your friends. To get updated articles, just put your email in our subscription option.

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